9 Sept 2014

How Stress Affects Our Body System.


      Stress, as the strain felt by somebody which can be physical, emotional or mental and it can be caused by anxiety or overwork it can have a devastating effect in our body system majorly in about nine areas which are; the head, skin, heart, stomach, pancreas, intestine, reproductive system (in both male and female), immune system, joints and muscles.
       Stress can accrue from our various dad-to-day activities, as a student, a company worker, service provider. businessman/woman we go through several activities daily and sometimes we hardly have enough time to rest after our daily activities and as this cycle continues day in day out, the result keeps accumulating in the body system though, it may not show any significant sign and we still feel we are fit to continue in our daily activities but, unknowing this is gradually affecting the biological clock of our body, altering the normal body functionality.
The image below explains how the stress affects various parts of our body, the most important is the Body Immune System (Body Defensive Mechanism) this can leads to various health issues in the body because, once the body immune system is compromised , the body system becomes vulnerable to different small diseases and illnesses and if care is not taken this condition can degenerate and other chronic health conditions can set in and this might eventually leads to death.

       (image source: conscious life news)

Severe mental conditions can also results from too much stress to the nervous system in the body characterized with concentration problem and anxiety.
         In the heart, stress can leads to increased blood pressure, thereby causes faster heart beats, this condition can leads to increased risk of heart attack and stroke.          

     To prevent these aforementioned health conditions, there is need for us to adopt proper Stress Management Techniques, these are sets of physical and psychological techniques designed to enable people manage stress successfully, one needs to have enough rest after daily activities this is very important and also eating balanced diets helps to replenish the body with all the needed nutrients thereby helps to strengthening the immune system of the body.

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1 comment:

  1. this is serious, in facts there are many things we don't know but we ignorantly believe we know then and which in turns have great impact on our health.

    Good job...@Abdurasaq
