13 Dec 2014

VAGINAL DISCHARGE; The Normal And The Abnormal. (Concluding Part)

Trichomoniasis –
       This infection is caused by a one-celled protozoan organism. Trichomoniasis is almost always spread through sexual contact. However, the protozoan organism can survive for up to twenty-four hours in a moist environment, making wet towels or bathing suits possible instruments of transmission from someone with the infection.

 Signs and Symptoms

Most men and some women don't display any symptoms, which may include:
  • Yellow/green, frothy, discharge
  • Foul odor with discharge
  • Increased amount of discharge
  • Inflammation of vulva/vagina
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Itching
      The treatment used is the oral antibiotic, metronidazole. Remember - no alcohol consumption when taking the medication and for 48 hours after treatment! It is recommended that both partners be treated at the same time to avoid recurrent infections. Partners should be treated even if they aren't displaying any symptoms. Avoid intercourse until treatment is completed.

Monilia (Yeast) Infection
      There is normally a small amount of yeast (Candida albicans) present in the vagina. A yeast infection occurs when there is an overabundance of yeast, often caused by a change in the pH balance of the vagina. Yeast infections are not usually sexually transmitted.

Some factors that may increase susceptibility to yeast infections:
  1. Increased stress
  2. Use of oral contraceptives
  3. Diabetes
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Use of antibiotics (protective bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics, allowing yeast overgrowth)
  6. Signs and symptoms
  7. Increased amount of discharge
  8. White, clumpy (cottage cheese-like), discharge
  9. Redness, itching, burning in vaginal/vulvar area
      Since yeast is normally present in the vagina, it is unrealistic to try to eliminate all yeast. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to reduce the overgrowth of yeast organisms and return the vagina to a healthy balance. Treatment consists of antifungal agents in the form of tablets, vaginal creams or suppositories. Over-the-counter treatments are available. However, if you are pregnant, always be sure to have any medications approved by a health care provider. Partners are not usually treated unless they are displaying symptoms such as itching or irritation in the genital area. Treatment for male partners consists of the use of fungicidal cream on the penis.

Prevention And Treatment Guidelines For Vaginal Infections
  • Have new partners wear condoms during sexual intercourse.
  • Stay healthy; eat well, get enough sleep, drink enough fluids.
  • Keep vaginal area clean and dry.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Wipe from front to back after urination or bowel movement.
  • Avoid using deodorant pads or tampons.
  • Don't use petroleum jelly or other oils for lubricants.
  • Don't douche.
  • Use medication as long as directed.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until treatment is completed and you are symptom free.
  • Don't scratch infected or inflamed areas; it can cause further irritation.
  • If using medication inside the vagina, use it during the menstrual period.
  • During an infection, use pads rather than tampons if menstruation occurs.
  • Avoid vulvo/vaginal irritants, including perfumed or deodorant soaps/body washes.

      If symptoms persist after completing the treatment, an exam is indicated. Call for an appointment, and please use nothing in the vagina for 48 hours prior to your exam.

Contribution: McKinley Health Centre, Illinois

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12 Dec 2014

VAGINAL DISCHARGE; The Normal And The Abnormal. (Part 1)

Knowing The Difference Between Normal Discharge And Infections.

The Healthy Vagina - 
The vagina serves as a passageway between the outside of the body and the inner reproductive organs. The pH balance of the vagina is acidic, which discourages infections from occurring. This acidic environment is created by normally-occurring bacteria. A healthy vagina produces secretions to cleanse and regulate itself, similar to how saliva cleanses and regulates the environment of the mouth. These vaginal secretions are normal vaginal discharge. Any interference with the delicate balance of vaginal secretions sets up an environment conducive to infection.
Normal Vaginal Discharge –

All women have some vaginal discharge. Normal discharge may appear clear, cloudy white, and/or yellowish when dry on clothing. It may also contain white flecks and at times may be thin and stringy. Changes in normal discharge can occur for many reasons, including menstrual cycle, emotional stressors, nutritional status, pregnancy, usage of medications - including birth control pills, and sexual arousal.

Effects of the Menstrual Cycle - The menstrual cycle affects the vaginal environment. You may notice increased wetness and clear discharge around mid-cycle. The pH balance of the vagina fluctuates during the cycle and is the least acidic on the days just prior to and during menstruation. Infections, therefore, are most common at this time.

Signs of Abnormal Discharge –
Any changes in color or amount of discharge may be a sign of a vaginal infection. Vaginal infections are very common; most women will experience some form of a vaginal infection in their lifetime. If you experience any of the symptoms below, this may be a sign of vaginal infection:

·         Discharge accompanied by itching, rash or soreness.
·         Persistent, increased discharge.
·         Burning on skin during urination.
·         White, clumpy discharge (somewhat like cottage cheese).
·         Grey/white or yellow/green discharge with a foul odor.

Outlined Below Is Basic Information On Three Common Vaginal Infections
Bacterial Vaginosis –
The exact cause of bacterial vaginosis is unknown. Similar to a yeast infection, there is an overgrowth of bacteria, and the delicate balance of the vaginal environment is upset when these bacteria occur in increased amounts. Recurrence of bacterial vaginosis is common and bacterial vaginosis can coexist with other vaginal infections. Women that have multiple partners or receive oral intercourse are at an increased risk of acquiring bacterial vaginosis.

Signs and Symptoms:
  • ·         Increased amount of discharge.
  • ·         Grey/white, thin, watery discharge.
  • ·         Foul/fishy odor with discharge.
  • ·         Increased odor to discharge immediately after intercourse.
  • ·         Nearly half of the women with bacterial vaginosis don't display any symptoms.


There is no over-the-counter treatment available. There are two treatment options with metronidazole (Flagyl) - an oral antibiotic or a topical antibiotic cream. Metronidazole can cause nausea and darkening of urine. Alcohol consumption should be avoided while on this medication, and for 48 hours after treatment, due to possible alcohol intolerance, which can result in nausea and vomiting. If you are using the vaginal antibiotic preparation, it must be used daily.

(To be Continued)

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   -   6 Ways To Boost Your Body Metabolism.

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11 Dec 2014

What Fruits and Vegetables Can Diabetics Eat?

Having diabetes is not easy. If you are diabetic, you must control your diet if you are to maintain a good quality of life and remain free of blood-sugar and other problems. Fruits and vegetables are generally thought of as healthy, but if you are diabetic, you must be careful which fruits you eat and how much of them you eat

Fruits to Avoid
Fruits like watermelon, grapes, bananas, strawberries and mangoes are loaded with sugar. As a diabetic, you can eat these on occasion, but you'll need to limit them. Too much of these can raise your blood-sugar levels and cause illness.

Good Fruits
You can eat grapefruits, limes, apples, peaches and fruits of similar families without too many restrictions. Spread your fruit consumption out in five equal portions during the day. This will help keep your blood-sugar levels stable.

Vegetables to Avoid
You are less limited in your choice of vegetables. You can eat nearly any, but limit your intake of potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, parsnips and beats. These vegetables are high in carbohydrates and starch, which increase your blood-sugar level.

Good Vegetables
Nearly all vegetables can be consumed by diabetic people in varying quantities. Especially good are onions and garlic, because they reduce the level of glucose in your blood.

Other Foods

Foods high in fiber are recommended for diabetics. Nuts, pulses (soya and lentils) and seeds are some of the healthiest options. These can lower your cholesterol as well as decrease the glucose level in your blood.

8 Dec 2014

Bananas As Natural Alternatives To Sleeping Drugs.

Revealed a new vision of scientists from the "National Foundation for Sleeping" in the United States that can use simple methods and normal way to change the sleep environment for the best person to enjoy the night of sleep, where it leads to enjoy better health and longer life.

While most people get enough sleep also showed a survey conducted by this institution, while the percentage of those who suffer from sleep problems about 57% of the total 26,451 people were surveyed and are forced to wake up at least three times a night because of Tergahm health problems, financial or work.

According to the newspaper "Al-Riyadh" Saudi Arabia is classified some scientists bananas as a natural alternative to drugs hypnotic medical because it contains amino acids needed to produce serotonin soothing and stimulating to sleep with the alert to avoid certain foods containing antioxidants to such as dairy products, peanut butter and some types of meat.

As advised to put perfume of lavender "vanilla" on the pillow, where research has demonstrated that the smell of perfume lavender soothe the nerves and reducing the severity of depression and tension, Vda drops it on the pillow helps to treat insomnia and avoid anxiety and bring comfort to lead to a night of sleep Pacific.

In addition to that evening to do some light exercises make the body feel a little tired of what light prepares the request of rest and sleep because it helps to relax the muscles and the dismantling, but it should be noted that this should be three hours before bedtime, at least.

While help taking a bath of cold water or lukewarm making the body temperature drops and muscles relax resulting signals to be sent normal to the brain for preparing the body wants eternity to rest and that bedtime had come and would prefer to add a few drops of perfume of lavender or vanilla to the water to get the smell For more soothing relaxation.

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6 Dec 2014

Stress Management For Teens

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5 Dec 2014

Prevent High Cholesterol by Avoiding 'Midnight Snacking'.

         The research by Salk Institute suggested that it's not just ‘what we eat’ but ‘when do we eat it’ that matters to our health.

In 2012, Satchidananda Panda, a Salk associate professor, showed that mice which were fed a high-fat diet, but allowed access to that diet for only eight hours per day, were healthier and slimmer than mice given access to the same food for the whole day, even though the two groups consumed the same number of calories.

The new study showed that the benefits of time restriction was surprisingly more profound than initially thought and can reverse obesity and diabetes in animal models.

The authors demonstrated that time restriction better synchronizes the function of hundreds of genes and gene products in our body with the predictable time of eating.

Amandine Chaix, a postdoctoral researcher in Panda's lab said that the therapeutic effect of time restriction was surprising, especially given evidence that nutritional deficiencies in early life can leave a lasting mark on animals' metabolism.

Panda said that using this new experimental set-up-with genetically identical mice consuming equal amounts of a given diet, just within different time windows-gives the researchers a tool to delve further into the causes of diabetes.

A comprehensive analysis of the blood metabolites in time-restricted mice revealed that multiple molecular pathways that go awry in metabolic disease are turned back to normal and protective pathways are dialed up, Chaix further added.

Next steps include looking more in-depth at these pathways, as well as investigating the effects of time-restricted eating in humans.

The study is published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

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3 Dec 2014

Did You Know These Health Values of Moringa Plant?

       In my book "Amazing Health Benefits Of Moringa Plant" I did some research work on some benefits of moringa plant from Health to Environmental and Social values, as it is generally known in different parts of the world, Moringa has countless benefits which can be derived from different parts of the plant; seed, leaves, flower, bark, root and gum. As research works continues some of these benefits are been revealed.
As many of these benefits are still unknown to some people even though we have this plant at our reach. In this post I deem it fit to write briefly about some of these benefits from the health/medicinal perspective.

Around the world every part of the Moringa tree has been used effectively
against varying ailments. Some of the remedies are described here however, there
is no guarantee they will work for every case!

    The Leaves 

• Leaves rubbed against the temple can relieve headaches.
• To stop bleeding from a shallow cut, apply a poultice of fresh leaves.
• There is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect when applied to
wounds or insect bites.
• Extracts can be used against bacterial or fungal skin complaints.
• Leaf tea treats gastric ulcers and diarrhoea.
• Eating Moringa food products is good for those suffering from malnutrition
due to the high protein and fibre content.

     The Flowers

• Flower juice improves the quality and flow of mothers’ milk when breast feeding.
• Flower juice is useful for urinary problems as it encourages urination.


• If eaten raw, pods act as a de-wormer and treat liver and spleen problems and pains of the joints.
• Due to high protein and fibre content they can play a useful part in treating malnutrition and diarrhoea.


• Used for their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties to treat arthritis,
rheumatism, gout, cramp, sexually transmitted diseases and boils. The
seeds are roasted, pounded, mixed with coconut oil and applied to the
problem area. Seed oil can be used for the same ailments.
• Roasted seeds and oil can encourage urination for some people who experience difficulty in urinating.
• They can also be used as a relaxant for epilepsy.

     Roots, Bark and Gum
The roots and the bark have all of the properties described above but are
more concentrated. Therefore much more care should be taken if using them as medicines.

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